
Showing posts from 2019

Diniyyah Puteri, Padang Panjang (PART 1) !

Holaaaaaaaaaa. Awww long time no see everyone! Am so busy previously that I forgot to update here (More like I actually don't anything significant enough to be shared here hehehe, well not until lately I feel like I have to update it asap before I lost my memory about my Indonesia trip hoho) So let's start! Just for your information, last year, I went for a one-month teaching program at Padang Panjang, West Sumatra, Indonesia! Went there from 2nd of  August till 28th of August like lama gila kannnnnnnn hahaha :) So many great things happened there, and I am soooooo happy to share my experiences with you guys my dear beloved readers. Two Weeks Before Departure : Preparation That night, I was completing my ROS report when I received a phone call from Ash informing about the program since she knew how obsessed I am with Indonesia haha. I remembered my first reaction was that "ermm maybe not Ash, coz I joined the Banten program already. Pitih tak lepas lah A

ROS at One of Kedah's Top Schools; SMKA Baling

Hi guyssssss! It's July 2019 already! Phew how time flies kan? For today's entry, I'll be sharing about my experience doing  ROS at one of Kedah's top schools, which is SMKA Baling. Yes! SMKA Baling. If you're from Kedah, you'll know how amazing this school is. I have heard a lot of good words about this school, so that's why I decided to do my ROS there (of course, sbb Kimi buat kat situ jugak haha. I need fwensss) Anyway, do you know what is ROS? It's a short form for Rancangan Orientasi Sekolah (ROS). I believe each higher educational institution that offers Education course requires their students to undergo one. But maybe different in terms of the period and the implementation. As for me, KOED IIUM requires us to undergo ROS only for one month, and we need to provide some kind of report to be submitted to the Kulliyyah at the end of the ROS period. Oh yeah, forgot to tell you. We were also strictly being reminded by the Kulliyyah during our briefing