ROS at One of Kedah's Top Schools; SMKA Baling

Hi guyssssss! It's July 2019 already! Phew how time flies kan?

For today's entry, I'll be sharing about my experience doing  ROS at one of Kedah's top schools, which is SMKA Baling. Yes! SMKA Baling. If you're from Kedah, you'll know how amazing this school is. I have heard a lot of good words about this school, so that's why I decided to do my ROS there (of course, sbb Kimi buat kat situ jugak haha. I need fwensss)

Anyway, do you know what is ROS? It's a short form for Rancangan Orientasi Sekolah (ROS). I believe each higher educational institution that offers Education course requires their students to undergo one. But maybe different in terms of the period and the implementation. As for me, KOED IIUM requires us to undergo ROS only for one month, and we need to provide some kind of report to be submitted to the Kulliyyah at the end of the ROS period. Oh yeah, forgot to tell you. We were also strictly being reminded by the Kulliyyah during our briefing that we are not eligible yet to teach, so any request to do so shall be declined (except relief class mcm tu bolehla)

Since it's just for one month, and no need for lecturer's observation, students are free to do it in their hometown. So pelagi, pulanglah daku ke kampung halaman... I did my ROS at SMKA Baling, together with Kimi, and Adila. And there, we met another teacher trainee from UPM, si Afiqah yang kalut selalu haha. And two PJ teachers from UPSI (lol, tbh I have forgotten their name).

Overall, I can say ROS was quite fun for me because you are not pressured to plan anything when you go to school every day. The only thing you will do there is simply completing your report, which includes studying the school's history, the school's organization, and stuffs. And as SMKA Baling is such a cluster school, let me tell you, I rarely got any relief class haha. Fun but sometimes you got very sleepy because all you did is just sit down and complete the report. And plus, at that time, the three of us were placed at the Panitia Pend. Islam room (we did not sit together with the other teachers at the teacher's room), so really, nothing to do haha. Butttt, one thing that to me was very memorable was that the teachers there really love to do jamuan. Plus the durian season pulak perghhhhhhh, LOVELY! 

I did not manage to know many of the students there, because most of the time memang tak minggle around pun. But some of them did leave quite an impression on me. For example, their head prefect whom we interviewed the other day, I think his name was Haziq? He has this kind of positive attitude that will instantly make you adore him for his good personality. And his answers to our questions, really a matured one. Well, SMKA Baling kan, what to expect haha. Anyway guys, my ROS journey was moreee fun because during my last two week there, Ash called me to inform about the Diniyyah Puteri teaching program. Aaaaaaa so excited to go there next month!!!

I think I'll just put some of the pictures that I took at the school to complement this entry. Enjoy, and see you again!

Ain, Hakimi & Dila on our first day at SMKAB

Teacher Laila's class that I observed

Weekly assembly at the Main Hall

Sleepy Kimi (Pic is for trolling purpose)

One month ROS report of SMKAB Baling


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