
Showing posts from August, 2018

Resepi Ikan Siakap Masak Sambal Kelapa NyumNyum

Hi peeps! Today I'm very glad to share with you guys the recipe of Ikan Siakap Masak Sambal Kelapa NyumNyum hehe. Mak aku kata aku masak sedap jugak lah bolehla lalu tekak dia. Makan panas-panas baru sedap tau. Jenis Ikan Sebenarnya, masakan ini lazimnya orang guna ikan cencaru atau ‘ikan jaket’.  Diorang akan buat jadi ikan sumbat ha gitu. Tapi sebenarnya takde hal pun kau nak guna ikan apa. Apa-apa jenis ikan pun boleh asalkan dia jenis yg ada kulit yg tebal sikit mcm cencau atau siakap. Kalau buat guna ikan kembung sumpahlah dia akan hancur sebab ikan kembung takde jaket haha. Okay, so untuk kalini aku try guna ikan siakap yg Ma baru beli kat pasar haritu. Cara nak belah ikan tu pun terpulang kat kau. Aku time ni teringin nak buat mcm KakDah buat. Dia belah tengah ikan tu sampai kat dalam perut, pastu buang tulang tengah tu. So ikan tu jadi very leper tapi okay je ha. Saiz pulak saiz sederhana pun dah cun dah. Kat mana nak letak sambal kelapa tu? Letak tengah2 dia, sbb

Interview for Biasiswa Perguruan Persekutuan KPM 2018 (IIUM TESL)

Hi everyone! Such a long gap right from my previous post to this one. Well, yeah, that's me honestly haha. I do what I want to do. There are days when I feel this strong urge to write, and there are days when I feel absolutely lazy, even to wear my pants pun malas namati.  Anyway, for today's topic, I will be sharing with you guys about some of my experiences attending the interview for Biasiswa Perguruan Persekutuan KPM 2018. For those who didn't know, this scholarship is for B.Ed students that are currently studying in IPTA all around Malaysia. So untuk kengkorang yang tak dpt IPG and then you guys pursue dlm bidang pendidikan kat IPTA (like IIUM, UPM, USM, UKM and etc), you don't have to worry much. KPM bukak jugak this scholarship for you guys, and surprisingly, the amount for this scholarship is almost the same level as IPG's. Here is basically the basic requirement for the scholarship, got this from