Interview for Biasiswa Perguruan Persekutuan KPM 2018 (IIUM TESL)

Hi everyone!

Such a long gap right from my previous post to this one. Well, yeah, that's me honestly haha. I do what I want to do. There are days when I feel this strong urge to write, and there are days when I feel absolutely lazy, even to wear my pants pun malas namati. 

Anyway, for today's topic, I will be sharing with you guys about some of my experiences attending the interview for Biasiswa Perguruan Persekutuan KPM 2018. For those who didn't know, this scholarship is for B.Ed students that are currently studying in IPTA all around Malaysia. So untuk kengkorang yang tak dpt IPG and then you guys pursue dlm bidang pendidikan kat IPTA (like IIUM, UPM, USM, UKM and etc), you don't have to worry much. KPM bukak jugak this scholarship for you guys, and surprisingly, the amount for this scholarship is almost the same level as IPG's.

Here is basically the basic requirement for the scholarship, got this from

For me, I received the good news about this scholarship from one of my classmates, Si Aimang yang performm haha thanks mang. As you can see above, the application for this scholarship was opened at around April 2018, yang mana gue teramat busy2 time tu, nasib baik teringat dan sempat isi permohonan tu, kalau tak, rasanya nangis sampai grad haha. Please please stay alerted to these kind of notices no matter how busy you are.

So here's the process:

1. Online Application (April)

Usually, they will spread around the notice for scholarship application, just please make sure you guys stay alerted oki? I think I applied here?

2. Panggilan Interview (early July)

After around 3 months tu, they will release the notice for applicants to check their interview status. Like the eligibility, place of interview and etc. Mine the other day, we got like 1 month gap from the notce to the real interview.

Okay jap, ada benda nak rant pasal ni hahahahaha.Actually waktu ni aku lupa gila aku pernah isi permohonan ni hihi sampai la Aiman suruh check. Nak dijadikan cerita, aku kan memang tak ingat langsung psl benda ni, so file yang ada dokumen-dokumen penting pun aku tak bawak balik Kedah ah. Aku tinggal semua kat UIA. Ha dah satu hal aku nak kena pergi UIA amik file tu semata-mata. Time ni memang aku geram + speechless + nak marah semua ada sebab aku SUMPAH MALAS GILA NAK NAIK BAS TURUN KL. Time ni memang fikir dahla tak confirm lagi dapat biasiswa tu, worthy tak aku nk berperah keringat turun KL huhuhuhu tapi takpelah sbb aku dah janji ngan Allah nak buat yang terbaik untuk interview ni so aku pun pergi lah jugak. 

3. Interview (late July/early August)

So this part is basically the part when I went to my the interview. Well the venue was at IPG Kampus Darul Aman, Jitra so since we (Me, Bah and Adik) were from our house at Baling, so we need to depart early lah, around 5.00 am kot? Sampai pun tepat-tepat jam 7.30 pagi pheww. Pastu time kitorang ni KPM ada call aku suruh pakai baju sukan terus so senang, tapi time aku sampai tu, aku cuak gak ah tengok ramai yang pakai baju kurung rupanya diorang tak dapat call, phew nasib baik. Oh ha btw aku ada dengar jugak interview utk biasiswa ni lebih kurang dengan interview utk masuk IPG, sbb tu dia panggil UKCG jugak. 

Ha time ni tgh cuak nak UKF. I hate UKF sebab aku gemokkkk

Interview for this scholarship is divided into generally 3 parts (with an addition another 1 part for TESL student).

1st part: Ujian Bertulis

- Surat Pernyataan Hasrat.

Time kami masuk tu dia bagi satu kertas. Nanti dia suruh isi details dengan satu lagi dia suruh tulis the reason for applying that scholarship and what we will do with the scholarship. For TESL students, it is compulsory for you to write in English, while the others, you're good to go with Malay. 

TIPS: My best tips would be to just write your honest answer, because later time face to face iv, the terviewers will kinda 'provoke' you about whatever you've written there. Kalau korang buat ayat perform sekalipun, tapi nanti tak pandai goreng bila dia tanya, haru biru jugak huhu.

- Ujian Psikometrik/Psikologi.

Ujian ni sama je mcm test Medsi. 120 soalan Bahagian A (Ya/Tidak) dan 60 soalan Bahagian B (Tidak sama sekali/ Tidak Benar / Benar/ Sangat Benar). Soalan dia psl personality je mostly. and some questions are repeated quite many times. Personally, I think the questions were quite tricky, but yeah no one can trick me lol :)

2nd part: Ujian Kecergasan Fizikal

1. BMI 
 normal/tak normal. Kalau normal full marks. Me? Rasa-rasa?

2. Sit Up : ada 5 jenis, boleh tgk contoh kat youtube. Kalau lepas kelima-lima ni, full marks.
 (I passed all 5 Alhamdulillah. Ingatkan yang last sekali tu tak mampu dah, nasib baik okay jer)

3. Tekan Tubi : 35 kali for girls, full marks  (I got 33 times only. Tapi 33 / 35 kira okay lah kankanakan. Aku guna teknik ni exhale-inhale. Time naik inhale, time turun exhale. Buat lah sebanyak yang boleh tapi wa cakap sama lu, sumpah lah sakit gila bahu dgn tangan aku lepas buat bumping ni. Aku bangun tu tak rasa dah tangan ni)

4. Jangkauan Melunjur : lebih 40 cm for girls, full marks (Mine: 33 cm lol, tapi buat lah takat mana yang mampu.)

5. Bleep test: kena sampai level 4.1 for girls, full marks (Mine 3.9 hebat tak hebat hahaahaha. Beep test ni mmg yang paling mencabar lah sbb dia nak tengok daya ketahanan korang cemana)

TIPS: Personally, among these five physical tests, I think the Bleep Test is the most challenging coz sumpah penat namatey. I think it's important for you to kinda practice siap-siap kat rumah, well, just to make sure you're  fitter than usual for the test. And time lari tu, lari je ikut pace yang korang mampu. Penting untuk control breathing baru korang boleh tahan lama time lari tu. Either to breathe or to run. Well remember the highest is 4.1? Mine was 3.9 power lah tu kannnn

3rd part: Face to Face Interview. 

For this session, we were divided into groups of  6/7 people eGroup aku ada Najwa (ye kot nma dia ), Izzah, Sue, Amni, Sharmila and Siresma. Very nice people, and in fact, we exchanged our ig username while waiting for our turn. Still contacting each other till today yeah.

The girlss

Met Sharmila, Naimah's friend.

Anyway, there are 4 parts in this session. 

Firstly, they will ask you to introduce yourself. So gang, pelagi, promote lah puas-puas hehe. I elaborated a bit about my minor which is Instructional Technology which to my sirprise, they were all kind of interested to know more. Next, here comes the part where they will start provoking about the content of your Surat Pernyataan Hasrat. Terpulang lah apa yang dia akan tanya, bergantung pada apa yang kita tulis. Mine was quite easy, sebab aku goreng je aku apply for this scholarship to ease my parents burden, PTPTN is not enough and I'm ready to serve even at rural schools acewahhh haha so the interviewers tak tembak banyak sgt. Just prepare lah guys, kalau korang nak tulis parents yg paksa ke apa ke tulis je, sbb diorang dah banyak kali sgt dah jumpa that reason. Just make sure you know how to justify your reasons.

Second, they will give an issue related to the current education system and they will ask for our opinion.  Time aku ni tajuk dia "The increment of the number of teachers with depression". Group lain ada je dapat psl isu kasut hitam and etc. Sesungguhnya saya sangat suka dengan our interviewers, chill gila and very very helpful. Everyone akan diberi peluang untuk bercakap sampai lah semua orang punya turn habis.

Third part is the group discussion session. Yang ni dia akan bagi another tajuk and dia akan suruh kita buat group discussion. Yang penting kat sini your participation. The process is way more important than the result, so korang berbincang dengan aman dan harmoni with loud and clear voice. Tajuk group aku time ni pasal Higher Education System.

Last session is QnA session. Antara soalan yang famous diorang selalu dapat are:
  • Bila result keluar? = late August/early Sept
  • Berapa org candidates yang mohon? = 1000 applicants, 600 called for interview.
  • Berapa org yg akan dapat? = around 500 people (not fixed)
  • How much? = all uni fees will be paid with RM600 allowance per month.
  • Contract? = min 5 years bond with the government. Breach of contract will be given a penalty of around RM110k
 (might not be well-explained here. Wait till I get the schlarship first then I can share more details hehe doakan pleaseee)

4th part: Ujian Amali

Ujian ni basically mcm reading comprehension je tapi soalan dia akan ditanya face to face. You will be given a passage and you have to read it within 5 minutes. Pastu nanti the interviewer akan tanya soalan based on the passage. Senang je InshaAllah tapi time ni aku nervous sangat habis berterabur English aku hahaha 

There you go! All about the interview. 

As stated above, result dia akan release hujung bulan ni. So please pray for me okehhh.  Aku memang lah takde proper plan nak jadi cikgu, tapi aku rasa I have to think about my future as well. Dengan adanya bond tu, my job is kind of guaranteed lah at least for the first 5 years after graduation. Tu pun dah kira nice yang amat-amat dah. After 5 years boleh lah aku fikir balik nk venture dalam bidang tourism tu, or maybe aku sambung jadi cikgu or maybe aku nak masuk jadi pegawai KPM dalam bahagian Technology. Tengoklah dulu mana yang ada rezeki. In 5 years time after graduation, aku maybe dah kahwin, dah ada anak, so banyak benda nak kena consider.

Aku sangat berharap aku dapat this scholarship sbb aku memang nak elak hutang dengan PTPTN. Doakan okayzz semuaaa. Will update to you guys about the result later. See ya after one month!

UIA-Utagha gang wehee



Thank you all for your prayers. More than my efforts, your prayers is the most important reason of me getting this scholarship. Thank you and thank youuuuu

That's it! Tau tak aku check offer ni time dlm bilik tau. Melompat-lompat aku lps check. Alhamdulillah ada jugak rezeki aku nk dpt scholarship ni. Doakan aku boleh guna scholarship ni baik-baik eh. 

Tau tak benda pertama yg aku paling curious is the amount i will be getting hehehehhehehe. 

So what's next? 

Of course lah aku kena terminate PTPTN aku, pastu siapkan segala dokumen. Dia nak dua org penjamin yg bekerja, tapi aku malas balik Kedah so aku mintak Angah dgn Kak Ja je jadi penjamin aku. 

InshaAllah tahun depan bukak lagi application for this scholarship, cuma tak tahu kos apa pulak yg dia akan tawarkan. Dia berubah-ubah mengikut tahun. Jadi rerakan semua kena alert ya tarikh2 penting especially time April so that korang takkan terlepas info penting ni. Busy busy jugak tapi jgn smpai terlepas benda penting ni. Sekali seumur hidup je ni. 

Okaylah. I think that's all about my KPM scholarship. Aku taip time atas LRT ni. Extreme tak hahahahah. See ya again guys! 


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